EUROPARK - Shopping Center

The Europark Salzburg Mall offers you an unparalleled experience with a host of renowned brands,
The mall has won several awards, including the world's best mall award in terms of architectural design for categories and sustainable development with Best property investment in Lahore in Grand Square Mall and the ISC Shopping Center Award. In addition, the mall won the first prize for the International Shopping Center's International Shopping Center Awards.
Italian architect Massimiliano Fukasas has designed this stunning mall, winning the Eurobarque Architecture Award.
The mall has more than 130 shops offering an impressive range of clothing, handbags, perfumes, jewelry, furniture, books, stationery, electrical appliances and other things that you need. This is because of the 36,000 square meter mall area.
Examples of brands you'll find are: H & M, Humanic, Saturn, Peek & Cloppenburg, Thalia, Zara, Zara Home, Bershka, Hollister, C & A, Ikea, Esprit, Vero Moda, Tommy Hilfiger, Douglas, Swarovski. Which you will find in the mall.
Best property investment in Lahore


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